Great to meet you

As a child and young person, sport was where I found my place in the world. It gave me purpose, goals, an outlet for my endless energy, and a community in which I felt I belonged. I loved trying out new things and competed in a range of sports including netball, cricket, tennis, and rowing, to name a few!

I was introduced to psychology formally at A-Level and was fascinated by this science which allowed us to understand how people think and why they behave the way they do. You can imagine my excitement when I discovered that this field of study could be so elegantly applied to the sporting world and used to support and elevate athletes.

I was fortunate to continue my studies at Loughborough University, where the world-class teaching and facilities allowed me to further explore and appreciate the value of sport and exercise psychology. Upon completion of my master's degree, I felt ready to return home to London and bring back the wealth of knowledge I had collected; to share with the incredible sporting communities I grew up with.

In my one-to-one consultancy practice, I seek to develop a holistic understanding of each of my clients in order to select the most appropriate and effective methods to develop their awareness and toolkit of supportive strategies. I am not a teacher, nor a therapist; my role is to collaborate with you in discovering what works for you and how to facilitate reaching the goals towards which you strive.

Given my extensive background in coaching children's sport, I am confident working with children and young people; in fact, it is my belief that youth sport is an excellent environment to begin building a toolkit of psychological skills to carry through into senior and professional sporting pursuits later on. I also welcome neurodivergent clients, having conducted research in ADHD in sportspeople, specifically.

I believe that psychology can offer beneficial insights to anyone involved in sport and exercise pursuits, regardless of competitive level, background, age, or role within sport.

I look forward to working with you to maximise your potential!

My consultancy methods

Person-centred, 1-to-1 consultancy
Psychological tools and profiling
Observation of practice and competition
Collaboration with the
wider sporting team

Managers, coaches, family, health specialists, and support staff can all offer crucial perspectives which enhance my understanding of you and your experiences in sport, and where I can offer support.

By observing you in training and when competing, I am able to gain additional insights into your sporting mindset which may have otherwise gone unnoticed or overlooked.

Using psychological tools and measurements we can pinpoint your unique profile of strengths and areas for development, and keep accurate track of progress.

In a calm and private setting, we can build an understanding and trusting relationship where the focus is solely on your personal goals, progress, and psychological skill development.

Education and Training

Loughborough University

BSc Sport and Exercise Psychology
First-Class Honours
including research into motivational dynamics during endurance pursuits

MSc Sport and Exercise Psychology
with Merit
including research into ADHD in student-athletes

Experience & Qualifications


British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences

Sport and Exercise Psychology Accreditation Route

Have any questions?

If you have any questions about how sport psychology could support you or your organisation in your pursuits, please do contact me via email or using the form below.

Doloress K.

Therapy has really helped me overcome some past trauma I had been keeping under a lid for a long time. Now, I feel happier and more confident in my life, and feel like I can walk with my head held high.

Anthony M.

Coming from a competitive sports background, the injury that ended up making me give up my career was a hard blow. With therapy, I was able to start building my identity around other things than just sport.

Happy clients